Looking for free dotted lined paper printable? Here are some really cool templates you can choose and print for free for your personal use.
These dotted lined paper templates comes is a variety of horizontal lines design, ranging from narrow lines to wide ones, as well as in combination of dotted and solid lines.

I also have templates with plain lines and dotted lines in different colors that are perfect for practicing handwriting, be it for young children or elementary school children who are learning to write or familiarize with letter formation or older children who wish to practice cursive handwriting.
What are dotted lined paper?
Dotted lined paper is generally the same as lined paper or ruled paper, but instead of the lines being solid, they are drawn as dots in a line or dashes in a line.
All the dotted lined paper templates on this page come with dashed lines instead of dots.
Types of Templates
I have a total of 12 different printable dotted lined paper designs for you to choose from on this page.
Plain Dotted Lines
- This template comes with dotted lines from top to bottom (with margins on the top, bottom, right and left.)
- Each straight line is made up of dashes and are black in color.
- The width between each dotted line is approximately 6.35mm.
- Similar to the template above, this dotted line paper template comes with dashed lines from top to bottom (with margins on the top, bottom, right and left).
- The lines are black in color.
- The width between each dotted line is approximately 7.1mm.
- This template comes with dotted lines from top to bottom (with margins on the top, bottom, right and left.)
- Each line is made up of dashes and is black in color.
- The width between each dotted line is approximately 8.7mm.
- This template is similar to the one above except that the lines are only on the bottom half of the page. The top half is blank and suitable for drawing or sketches.
- Each line is made up of dashes and is black in color and the width between each dotted line is approximately 8.7mm.
Combination Dotted Lines - Colored
- Also known as penmanship paper template, this template consists of groups of 3 lines. The top line is solid while the second line is dotted. Both are in blue.
- The third line color is red and is a solid line.
- This dotted line and solid line paper design is similar to the template above, except that the lines are only half of the page. The remaining half page is left black for any drawings or sketches.
- The template consists of groups of 3 lines starting with a solid plain line in blue, followed by the dotted (dashed) line in blue and finally, a solid line in red.
Combination Dotted Lines - Black
- This template consists of sets of 3 lines.
- Each set consists on a black solid line on top, followed by a black dotted (dashed) line and finally a solid black bottom line like the first.
- Similar to the template above, the lines on this printable lined template consist of sets of 3 lines in solid, dotted and solid black lines.
- However, the lines are present only on the bottom half of the paper template.
- The top half of the paper is blank, and can be used to draw or sketch.
- This dotted lined paper printable consists of sets of 2 dotted lines in between 2 solid lines.
- All lines are black in color.
- Similar to the above design, however, instead of the lines appearing full page, this template on has them bottom half of the page.
- The top half of the page is black, suitable for sketching or drawing and coloring.
- This dotted line page template consists of sets of plain lines and dotted lines alternated.
- All the lines are black in color.
- This paper template is similar to the above, expect that the lines only appear on the bottom half of the page.
- The top half is left black to allow space for drawing or sketching and coloring.
How to Print the Templates
All the templates provided above are printable for free and come in PDF format (PDF files). You can either print them as a single page, or multiple pages.
To print the templates, you can either download them onto your PC first or print them directly from this page.
To download, click on the download arrow on the top right corner of the templates and save them on your computer.
If you wish to print directly from this page, click on the print button. On your print menu, choose the correct printer settings, i.e. the paper size (the templates are all set for A4 size paper) and color setting (choose color setting for the blue and red lines templates) before printing.
You can print these dotted lined paper printable templates on any light colored blank pages of paper. They are best printed on white papers. However, if you want them on any other designed or color or themed paper, you can also use them.
What can you use these free printable template for?
You can use these dotted lines papers as practice sheets or handwriting paper to practice handwriting especially those with a combination of solid plain lines and dotted lines.
Having said that, you can also use these printable lined papers for bullet journal, to write down your to-do list, as academic paper, to write friendly letters,
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